Registration opened this week for TAHC&H’s full-day Private Pay only conference. Join us April 26, 2018 at the Doubletree Hotel in Austin for a wide range of topics targeted specifically to private pay agencies.
The theme for this year’s event is THINK BIG and the sessions will help you do just that! Shelle Womble a Sales Champion at nationally known, corecubed Aging Care Marketing will present two sessions – one geared towards fine tuning your sales personality and improving top-line results as well as how to effectively use sales, marketing and public relations in your agency.
Other topics include the ever-popular, Tommy Simmons from the Texas Workforce Commission discussing wage and hour law including Fair Labor Standards Act, Texas Payday Law, work separations, PRN; companionship exemption and much more. Finally, we’ll round out the day with a new session on long term care insurance which will focus on the types of policies available to your patients, how they are designed to reimburse policyholders for the cost of long-term care and a deep dive into policies issued under Sec. 7702b of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act as well as the LTC claims process.
Register here and don’t forgot to book your hotel room soon. The discount rate expires on April 7.
We’ll see you in Austin!