Strategies for Your Agency’s Rehospitalization Reduction Program
Rehospitalizations continue to be a focus of health care quality strategy programs, including Home Health Based Purchasing. The home health care industry serves patients with many risk factors for rehospitalization, including the aged population and those with multiple medical and social comorbidities. This five-part series will focus on how reduction of rehospitalizations in the home health space is monitored and incentivized through quality and payment programs and will include management strategies for some of the most common comorbid conditions in our patient population: Heart Failure (HF), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Mental Health Crises.
Faculty: Jennifer Osburn, RN, HCS-D, COS-C; Clinical Consultant, Healthcare Provider Solutions Inc.
Members: $375NonMembers: $575
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