

CoPs - Are you ready?

By Katie Mills posted Dec 20,2017 09:49 AM

They're coming! Recently updated Conditions of Participation for Medicare and Medicaid Home Health Agencies go into effect January 2018. Have you asked yourself these questions?

• Can you confidently affirm you will be ready for survey under these new regulatory requirements?
• Are my staff members properly trained on updated policies and processes related to these changes?

If not, our 2018 workshops are designed to give you needed knowledge to affirm your current processes and set priorities to ensure success. 

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued newly updated CoP regulations on January 13, 2017 with a subsequent compliance date of January 13, 2018. Included in the new regulations are enhanced requirements for patient rights, changes to the skilled professional and home health aide services and supervision, sweeping change of the functions of care planning and coordination of care services, an overhaul of agency QAPI and infection control, and the addition of emergency preparedness as a condition of participation. These comprehensive changes will directly affect the entire agency’s day to day function. Agencies who are not prepared face stiff penalties, including exclusion from participation in Medicare and Medicaid funded programs.

TAHCH is offering an intensive CoPs workshop in 3 locations - choose one that is convenient for you!
January 30 - Plano   |   April 26 - Austin   |   June 26 - McAllen

Program Topics
  • Overview of updated and all-new Conditions of Participation for Home Health
  • Deep dive, with take away tools into:
    • Changes to Patient Rights
    • Changes to the comprehensive assessment of patients, care planning, & coordination of services
    • Measures of quality and quality of care examples
    • Changes to the QAPI and Infection Prevention and Control programs
    • Updated skilled professional services; compliance with Federal, State, and Local laws;and personnel qualifications
    • Updates to Emergency Preparedness requirements
  • The most important items for compliance
  • Jennifer Gibson, RN, HCS-D, COS-C
  • Representatives invited from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to participate in Q&A on Interpretive Guidelines
