Webinar: Agency Business Relationships with Referral Sources

When:  Mar 6, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (CT)

Home health and hospice agencies remain under considerable regulatory scrutiny. Over the past few years, the number of Anti-Kickback, Stark and False Claims Act cases brought against these providers have continued to increase. Is your agency at risk? Have you analyzed your Medical Director and other referral relationships? In this webinar, Jennifer Papapanagiotou and Ashley Morgan will discuss how these statutes work and steps you should be taking to reduce your agency’s potential liability. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.

Faculty: Jennifer Papapanagiotou, JD, MA; Ashley Morgan, JD, CPC |  Liles Parker Attorneys & Counselors at Law 

Continuing Education: 1.0 clock hours Administrators/Alternate
Each registration is for one (1) person only. You must pay for a separate registration for each person needing continuing education credits (CE’s).  

Register: Online

           Webinar Only              (includes live & recording)
       Webinar with CE Credit        (includes live & recording)
$10 per person
Non Member
Option not available.

$60 per person

No refunds will be given.


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Jessica Campbell
(512) 338-9293